Our Biggest Offensive Weakness Remains 3rd Down (3rd and 7+, specifically)

I don't think this 3rd down and 7+ stat is that important unless you are regularly only picking up 3 yards or less on the firsf two downs. Matt Ryan gets sacked so much this year that this stat is real important for the Falcons.

That's another very great point! :up32: It actually reminds me of something else I just saw regarding 3rd down.

Obviously, if most of your 3rd downs are 3rd and shorts, you can do this with a high success rate, and the teams that are approaching it this way - and that includes us - all have winning records. Surely, there is a lot that is right here thus far. By no means did I mean to imply that something was dreadfully wrong!

And I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone for what they've added to this discussion. It's great to have a civil discussion exploring this from different angles... :gosaints: