And the therapists say that just pulling up with a dumpster and getting rid of everything without the hoarder's consent/buy-in can be very destructive.
I get that this is probably true, but I wonder why.. it seems like once the home was emptied/cleaned out , the hoarder would feel relief and be more comfortable.. i have a family member who’s a hoarder, and i’ve wondered if the dumpster solution would be effective.. but as Phan78 mentioned, the house would probably be a mess again in two months.. i think the only true solution is for the person to want to change within themselves, but i have no clue how one would ‘convince’ or cajole someone to feel something within themselves.. impossible, i guess.
As for me, as a result of being exposed to people who are hoarders, or even pack rats— i have over the years become a purger.. i get rid of even things that I might need, so much do i hate clutter... and i’ve never been able to bring myself to watch Hoarders, seems like it would be too traumatizing.