Does anyone have a parent who is a hoarder?

I get that this is probably true, but I wonder why.. it seems like once the home was emptied/cleaned out , the hoarder would feel relief and be more comfortable.. i have a family member who’s a hoarder, and i’ve wondered if the dumpster solution would be effective.. but as Phan78 mentioned, the house would probably be a mess again in two months.. i think the only true solution is for the person to want to change within themselves, but i have no clue how one would ‘convince’ or cajole someone to feel something within themselves.. impossible, i guess.

As for me, as a result of being exposed to people who are hoarders, or even pack rats— i have over the years become a purger.. i get rid of even things that I might need, so much do i hate clutter... and i’ve never been able to bring myself to watch Hoarders, seems like it would be too traumatizing.

Holy crap, I'm the same way! Your post sounds like my life. I'm a complete reaction to my parents. If I haven't worn it, used it, or looked at it the past year, it's gone.