Cultural Misappropiation

blackface, minstrel shows were examples of cultural misappropriation. They weren't forced. They were also problematic.

There's a scale and spectrum here - as with anything else. Not sure why you're seeking to draw this line in absolutes when it doesn't belong. So ALLCAPS declarations and the use of "only" are really out of place here.

nobody has said this that I've seen in this thread

In fact, I said the opposite. And so did the article I quoted - I even excerpted that specific passage. Perhaps you missed it or maybe you saw it and decided to just dismiss it. But it was there.

So, I'm not sure who you're talking to/about in this thread. Or maybe it's a general point, but even then - I don't see this as a prevailing opinion at all.

It's just a general point. I haven't read the entire thread. I just know that sometimes people go overboard. Remember the white taco truck owners that were forced to shut down his business because white people shouldn't sell tacos? Or the white guy that was confronted because he has dreads? To me that's just bullying.