Red Dead Redemption
i finished the game this weekend...
it's a fantastic game and R* created something very special that can hopefully move the entire industry forward....the story is top tier for any kind of entertainment medium....the attention to detail is just ridiculous and there is so much to do in the game....
that being said, it's just not the GOTY for me....apparently, R* was too busy creating the world and story to put any effort in to the actual gameplay mechanics...the gun combat is not engaging and the maylay combat is pretty terrible....
and some of the 'survival' mechanics of the game are just cumbersome....eventually, you don't have to pay as much attention to them....except you always have to brush the damn horse...
anyway, the game really is special in a lot of ways...but some aspects are baffling to me....God of War is still my GOTY because it basically gets everything right...the story might not be as good as RDR2 but story is just one aspect of GOTYness