What is up with Shannon Sharpe

Hello Saints fans. The media does effect reputation. And MVP voting & more. So, Shannon & Skip give their actual career summary & opinion on Brees, right here.

Once and for all, they let it rip:
"How good is Drew Brees, or Is it Sean Payton's system?.."

They put all their cards on the table & it's some clear discredit.

BayLESS claims Drew did very little to win his only SBowl.
He says this near the end /summary of this short video, which aired right after we beat the Falclowns in September.

There are 2 facts:
1) sure, sports talk "analysts" take sides to get ratings,

2) They are real people with real biases, like everyone else.

If you watch them long enough, you see their true colors.

I worked in the media, people are people. If anyone disrespects someone else & millions of people are tuning in, it will effect reputations.

SPayton & Mike Thomas are examples of guys who don't take this stuff lightly.

Same for tons of great players. They might be diplomatic about it here & there, but they do take reputation seriously.

If you don't mind a Saints player being dissed ok, but it matters to me so I'm posting this.

