The Science of Fasting

That's interesting. So, if I shoot for a window from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM, would drinking an unsweet tea or black coffee be advised prior to the 11:00 meal?

Caffeine is an appetite suppressant. Typically what I've done is start my fast the evening before (following dinner). Go to bed, wake up and have some black coffee (stevia is ok in it as it doesn't have calories or produce the response sugar does) or an energy drink (Monster, Bang, etc). Bang was really effective for me, but they're also 300 mg of caffeine in a can (2x Monster). Just depends on your caffeine sensitivity. This helps sustain the fast through to your next eating window.

If you're looking for increased fat loss, you can also read up on the Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF). This can be incorporated with intermittent fasting. Best advice is to buy Lyle McDonald's e-book on it and read it. Basically it's a ton of protein and next to no carbs or fat each day, aside from essential fats from omega-3 pills. But it's a way to maintain lean tissue (skeletal muscle, etc) while also ramping up your fat loss potential.