If you have a car, I would recommend driving over to the Cliff House for a drink - www.cliffhouse.com. The view is phenomenal; you'll thank me. And drive across the Golden Gate, park at the rest stop and take in the views
Funny you should mention the Cliff House. I had one of the most amazing coincidences happen to me and it started there. I was visiting my Chalmation friend and Holy Cross graduate artist friend on my way to Kona for a week. As we left the Cliff House after a great meal and drinks, there were helicopters and search lights combing the Seal Rocks. We couldn't get much info as passersby, but someone said that someone was missing and thought to be in the rocks. We went on to Kona the next day and a few days into our trip, we took our jeep and just headed out to find an anonymous restaurant, having tired of the expensive restaurants at our 5 star. As we finished our meal at this obscure little restaurant, we struck up a converstaion with one of the four other couples in the restaurant. It turned out that their niece was the person that had drowned and eventually found at the Seal Rocks in SF, where we were 5 days earlier....freaked us out!!