N/S Josh Gordon stepping away from Patriots.

The NFL doesn’t care about these guys though. He is stepping away to take care of his mental health. He smokes the green stuff to help with that (as do other players). But rather than the NFL actually look to help these guys who use the herb to help with mental health, they ban the substance and fine/suspend the player, showing that they don’t give a damn about mental health, or the player.

I feel bad for guys who use weed to calm down. They have probably been using it for some time, and it’s a hard cycle to break if it’s your go to of choice.

What part of my "NFL is throwing Gordon out the back door" part did you not understand?

Gordon's struggles and issues are way beyond a little recreational weed usage. So NFL is banning drug usage because they don't care about the players? NFL gives their players more resources to help them help themselves than probably any other employer in the country.