N/S Josh Gordon stepping away from Patriots.

The thing is that I HAVE BEEN THERE and I was just as stupid as Josh Gordon is!!! Over a period of about 3 or 4 years I had the equivalent of a couple of new houses or at least a couple of new vehicles go up in smoke! Have you ever heard the term "chasing the Genie"?

Trust me that I know more about drug addiction than I care to know!

I had a very good job at the time and I was in serious danger of losing not only that job but my family as well but I was smart enough to do what needed to be done to make the situation right!! I got the help that I needed and haven't looked back since. I took full advantage of the help that I needed unlike this moron who has had the opportunity to make millions of $ to play a game and just can't do the right thing!........so yeah.....................stupid is a mental issue with this clown!!

Climb down from your high horse and don't judge me as being foolish unless YOU'VE been there!!

I have been there believe me I walked away from a 90.000.00 a year job and now make 24,000 a year on disability. You still don't get it. I almost lost my family over meth but I wanted my family more. I am glad you made it through heron if chasing the Genie is the same as chasing the dragon. I am not on a high horse I find you comments heartless so come off as a tough guy because we can debate this all day but I can see it is a waste of time. I mean if we want to be childish fine I mean I did it for decades I lost a house a job, cars and thousands of dollars in material things. I gladly live close to poverty going to food banks but I have my sanity and I am happier that I have ever been.