N/S Josh Gordon stepping away from Patriots.

Yes, I have read that and as far as I know or can find codeine and xanax are not on the banned substance list.

Look I'm not saying that Gordon isn't one cocaine and God knows what else. But it is the common reoccurring one that keeps popping up for him and Ricky Williams and Martavis Bryant. When I'm arguing that the NFL needs to change their marijuana policy I'm not arguing just based on Gordon or think that Gordon shouldn't have consequences for what he is doing. Their are countless players out their using to avoid having to use harder drugs and I don't think it's right that they have to fear losing their jobs because of the way they chose to medicate and the NFL needs to look into changing it especially with the laws and public perceptions of marijuana beginning to change.

Fine if that is your stance, but there are far too many pro marijuana users who try and make it seem like he is just using weed. Hell the rumor why the browns let him go is because he showed up to team meetings drunk. You can't look at NFL test and make assumptions. News flash all these players that claim they get suspended for adderall are probably lying. We just simply don't know as the NFL cannot disclose it. Leaks from an agent or player are not trust worthy.

Also did you know you have to fail for weed 4 times... 4 times to get suspended.