N/S Josh Gordon stepping away from Patriots.

Thank you so very much for your support and kind words. Life hasnt been easy or fair but so many folks have it so much worse than me. I spent too much time pitying myself and lying to myself. Meditation sounds like a great idea, can you lend me any pointers on how to start and such?

So sorry for not replying I had to run out. I usually keep these pages open it's that ADD I am all over the place. Anyways you are very welcome brother. I hear you on the toughness of life and the unfairness just do your best to focus on the good but man it's hard. I went through playing the victim and had too much self pity.
So with meditation or mindfulness just pick anything I like to look at leaves in the wind or a flower block everything out while breathing in a relaxed controlled manner. Make your surroundings quiet when you are first starting it can be a painting or photograph in your house or heck even a toy on the floor. Don't worry about the duration because it is extremely tough especially at first.

Tai Chi is something you can google it's slow movements and breathing. I have some info here from my therapist. Go to youtube and look up & minute Magic QI Gong. It's belly breathing with visualization 1x a day and breath in through nose,hold,exhale through mouth. Once a day. I really hope this helps. Feel free to pm me if you have any questions I see my therapist every 6 weeks so if you have any questions I can ask her and get you info if you'd like.