Comic Book Talk

You can't help but to feel sorry for the guy, but why why why would you leave valuable comics like that in a storage unit? All of my most valuable books are in a bank safe deposit box. Damn, I'm hurting for the guy.

For one Las Vegas man, super villains don't just exist on the pages of comic books. They exist in real life as well and one is responsible for the theft of $100,000 worth of comic books.

According to News 3 Las Vegas, two suspects broke into Daniel Ballard's Life Storage unit on Thursday, December 27 and stole 12 boxes of comic books totaling around 3000 individual books, including several valuable issues.

The crown jewel of it was the Amazing Spider-Man," Ballard said. "I had the entire run, 1-170, volume one and two. I had a lot of other issues. The first appearance of Venom, Death of Captain Stacy, and the first appearance of the Punisher."