Katie Nolan gives fans who sent mean tweets about kickers a chance to make real field goals...

no you can warm up your leg...not expecting you to pull a quad. im saying after stretching and all. Simply set a ball down at the 30, on a tee, and boot it thru. Post video and ill submit $50 in your name.
Oh and since you have exp, ill expect a 5 step ( yard ) drop back.
wait are you saying you will do in Sept? lol
Not a problem. I always kick with pretty much the same walked off steps that you see on television. And, yeah, since I'm not playing in a league again until September, I don't have access to the field/field goal in order to even try. Unless you know of a field somewhere in the area that you can just walk onto and use as you please, I could do that. I'd just have to get a ball (the only footballs I have are all signed) and a tee (I'll drop the $5 or whatever one costs at Academy) and get someone to go out there with me to record it.