Selling Playoff Tickets--A Proposal

I had a blown head gasket last week, HOWEVER, I did sell my tickets to a SAINTS FAN!! "Stuff" happens!! You have NO IDEA how much it killed me to be in Little Rock last weekend, when I should have been in NOLA!!! In MY SEATS, that I have had since 2004. You KNOW, BEFORE we were good!!!
I have a wealthy friend who is driving me to the game and back. Nice feller is even paying for my ticket and the gasoline to get to the MS coast and then to NOLA for the game!! He USED to be an Eagles fan, BUT when I took him to his first game 5-6 years ago, he like MANY became HOOKED on the Who Dats!! He even calls me Who Dat! Which is way cool with me.. He bought a #28 Ingram rookie which is cool, because it's MI @@'s FIRST jersey. See ya'll Sunday in 646 8 rows down from the Wall bangers!!