Selling Playoff Tickets--A Proposal
My preseason tickets cost more than your entire season. And with very rare exception, I cannot even sell my extra regular season tickets for face value, especially after fees. Then, when they tried “flex pricing,” the Falcons game was $500 a ticket so that the preseason could be $150 a ticket, which I still could not get anyone to pay.
The average season ticket holder who resells his seats for big games above face value is not exactly buying a house with the “profits.” They pretty much cover the next year’s preseason games.
Your arguments are invalid. If you want tickets, pay what they cost on the market. If you want the privileges of being a club season ticket holder, you have to eat a significant amount of money no matter how good the team is. The market works. If you don’t want to pay for and attend a 10-game yearly home schedule, don’t go. But don’t cry foul when big games and playoff tickets are “way above face value.”
The real problem is that the team has not raised the prices in non-club areas to appropriate levels. If they raised the prices there like they have in the club areas, the profit margins for resale would disappear. But I’m pretty sure you would be upset about that. You don’t get to have it both ways.