Video of Taysom Hill with a 625lb. squat !

Hill's vid looks grainy. but those are definitely standard 45 lbs plates. To me it looks like 6- 45 lb. plates per side plus 2 10 lbs plates each side. This would actually be 580 vs. 625. But I don't know it's hard to tell and even at that weight that requires a lot of leg strength especially with the way he has the bar situated on his back (he's not using his hips or posterior chain to squat weight up as much as low bar). He is also using a standard barbell.

Scott is using an actual oly weightlifting set-up, bumper plates and olympic weightlifting bar. You can tell by the whip when he comes up out of the squat. I can't tell what weight the plates are but it's a lot. Thing that impressed me about his lift is that he hit full depth on his squat. Hill was more of a "right above parallel" squat.

Either way, they're both strong dudes. A lot of players are. I workout with an ex-Falcons/Cowboys player and he squats 660 plus like it's nothing. He's a competitive powerlifter now in the 105 kg class for the USAPL. Dude is an absolute unit.