I will get hate/dislikes for this...so be it

I don't mind you being a dreamer. I really hope you are right. The title of your thread bothers me. It just screams of desperate click-bait. I know that everyone that posts a thread wants it viewed and commented on. That's the nature of a forum. It just seemed like you shouted "Hey guys, look at me!" But what do I know? I clicked and commented on this thread.

Interesting perspective.

While it's true that some post solely for attention, it's sad that some posts are judged in a negative light without allowing the person to explain their position.

If you have ever had your post gain Dead (drunken) Falclowns, you scratch your head and wonder WHY someone would neg-rep it. Oh, I know it's easy to shrug it off and say "I don't care." But if you don't care you're probably less likely to share it either.

I myself have been guilty of prejudging a post, only to find out later that I either assumed the wrong thing, jumped to conclusions, or misread what the OP was trying to put forth. Whenever I realize that was the case, I 'fessed-up or apologized for my ignorance.

Again, I think your post is interesting; you make some good points. I just wanted to counter it with something on the other side of Canal St.

Peace, out.
