LA Times columnist: Rams will 'knock the Saints more senseless than a frat boy on Bourbon Street'

I live in Long Beach, so it's not quite L.A. but I went to my local tonight and the first two people to greet me both said "Good luck" and "You're going all the way". The former is a '9ers fan the latter a Raider. Both of them said "**** the Rams" with the 9er's fan saying "I hope y'all beat them so bad they go back home (to St. Louis)" . The bottom line is that sure the Rams are good but they know deep down that at least half the people in their region aren't rooting for them and I think that's why they've been so loud this week. Truth is they wouldn't know a true home crowd from a convention about the awareness of mute people (no offense intended). Most of their games are played 50/50 at best. Most of their diehards are from Orange County and don't wanna make the trip to Los Angeles, let alone the Dome. They're trying to convince themselves.