Notorious slow playoff starts!

Bears game in 06. Cardinals game and Vikings game in 10.

2012 49ers game 14-0 at half. Rallied to take lead, but lost.

2018 Vikings game 17-0 at half. Rallied to take lead, but lost on miracle play.

2019 Eagles game 14-0 in 1st qtr. Rallied to take lead and won.

If you are faint of heart, our Saints can surely test the ticker. Hopefully our boys get off often and early tomorrow.

You left out the Big Kahuna of slow starts! We looked somehow outclassed in the first quarter of Super Bowl XLIV, fell behind 10-0 (and it felt worse!), then proceeded to dominate the Colts for the next three quarters. IIRC it was tied for the biggest points-comeback in Super Bowl history at the time. I'm hoping for an easier time tomorrow, but even if we do fall behind we all know that Mr. Brees don't quit, and neither does his team.