Great Idea
Yeah, that's happening.
Let me spell it out for you guys. Here's what will not happen.
The league will not apologize or acknowledge a mistake.
Goodell will not give us a do over.
These petitions/lawsuits will do nothing.
As mad as we are, by the time the game is here no one outside NOLA will talk about this.
The winner will NOT have an asterix and within 2 years, only Saints fans will even remember this call. If anything, if the Rams win, the "grit" of the Rams will be discussed as part of the new young potential kings of the NFL.
We got screwed. Nothing changes it. No one cares (outside of us) and there's no putting the toothpaste back in the bottle. History favors the victors and we lost. Just like no one really outside of bitter Minnesota fans think Bounty Gate was real, we'll be the angry fanbase commenting about * on the Rams SB for years on random message boards. Other fans will laugh.