To Rams Fans

Like the players for the Rams, Rams fans are not the culprit and have the right to be excited their team gets to play in the super bowl.

But they do not have the right to play the whatabout game to try to convince Saints fans that we are overreacting. In the same way that nothing can be done as a practical matter to reverse the result on the field (a fact the saints and fans must live with somehow), nothing can be done to remove the asterisk from their presence in the game.

If you are a level headed rams fan, in this case, you recognize the benefit your team received from the no call, shrug, and be thankful your team gets to play in the game. I can’t hold that reaction against anyone.

If you are a spiteful rams fan, you focus on trying to finding ways to muddy the water and lessen the impact of the “asterisk”. You somehow find a way to feel aggrieved (I actually saw a comment on PFT where a Rams fan contended that their team was being “robbed” of the ability to enjoy the win due to media focus on the no call). Going this route is insane and incredibly insulting.

In the same way that we must live with the result of the no call somehow, rams fans will have to settle for the “consolation prize” of playing in the Super Bowl under dubious circumstances. Question: who is getting the better deal?