I'm worried about The Who Dat! Nation
Can't argue with you. Feel like I'm on the same path.
I'm on the same path except for my inability to not watch and/or go to Saints games. I love my team and watching them play too much. The rest of the games? I haven't watched anything but Saints games for the past couple of years because I just have no interest in the NFL outside of the Saints. Before Goodell pulled the bountygate crap, I was all in for as much football as possible.
And as bad as that was, they've kept ruining the game more and more every year with these idiotic rules and refusal to use the technology at their billion dollar industry's disposal to make sure they get the calls right and there's a fair playing field. If the CFL, that generates pennies compared to the NFL, can get reviewed PI in real time right, why can't the NFL? Goodell doesn't want it so that the games are all called fairly and doesn't want the playing field to be level. He's turned it from sports entertainment to just entertainment. If all games and teams were treated equally, the league wouldn't make as much money as possible, and that's all he and most of the owners care about. At least there are enough smaller market teams who've gotten the short end of his league's stick recently to start more and more of an uproar with how he handles the league and apparently doesn't even care about its "integrity" at all anymore.
(Both the league and the Chiefs knowing about the Kareem Hunt incident since last February and not doing anything about it until TMZ got ahold of the video being the latest incident of domestic violence he's covered up as long as possible and done nothing about. He was never disciplined and the Chiefs never would have released him if they could have kept the video quiet. Roger was absolutely complicit in yet another cover up and fans and their respective owners are getting tired of the favoritism. He even went on and on about how wonderful Robert Kraft is yesterday - after they've been busted literally cheating multiple times since he's owned the Pats. It's more than just "not a good look.")
Sorry for the tangent that isn't really meant as a direct reply to just this post, but the overall theme of "the game" we all used to really, really love.