I'm worried about The Who Dat! Nation

You're right. It's impossible for some to claim the game was completely 'rigged' because the Saints still had the upper hand in the game right up until the moment that Drew got his face rearranged on that interception heave in overtime.

But it sure will be wonderful to have the Fraud Bowl over and done so we won't have to keep reminding ourselves who should have been playing the Patriots if the officials in our game hadn't been lobotomized prior to kickoff.

I just need to go into a football coma until about May.
I'm 99.9% convinced it was rigged. I think lots of games are rigged. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they do anything blatant to guarantee a specific team wins, but I think they try to make calls (or no calls) during the game, to give the "preferred" team an advantage. It doesn't always mean the "preferred" team wins, but it does make it a little easier for them. With that being said, they got lucky with the NFC Championship. The opportunity for a no-call presented itself, and they took it. At the time, I'm sure they didn't realize how blatantly obvious the penalty actually was, but in the end, they got the desired outcome.

Now, the question remains of how I will respond. Well, I'm still all in. I will renew my season tickets. I will fly down for as many games as possible. I will spend money on MY team -- the Saints! I'm actually excited to see us bounce back, and show the world we can beat every team, every ref, and the NFL czar, enroute to next year's championship.