Goodell--Is He Bigger Than The Game?
I get it that there are comments in the original post regarding bountygate with which some will take issue. But I think that some will find interesting the original post offering in 2012 an analysis of the commissioner, though in the past two weeks his public appearances have been considerably fewer than they were when he wanted to talk about the bounty allegations.
I am still amazed that Goodell early last week did not release this statement--we realize an egregious officiating error was made; officiating errors, even egregious ones, are part of a game played, coached and officiated by humans; but we recognize that a major mistake was made, and the league will certainly see what can be done to try to eliminate an error like this from occurring again. Instead, he said nothing, and as a result, the Friday before the Super Bowl, ESPN is still talking about and showing film of the non-call.
Obviously, we see terrible judgment and arrogance at work. It's as though the league were an auto company concealing evidence of a vehicle defect because of concern over the company's reputation. Just stand up, admit we screwed up, and talk about fixing the problem. But this guy lacks the integrity and judgment to do it. And to think he makes $40 million per year.