Well this is lame (I have to go to a SB party)

I was fully committed to not watching the game. I don’t care who wins and I don’t want to watch it. I have zero interest and watching the game - that we should have been in - would just suck.

I don’t live in New Orleans anymore, so I’m not surrounded by Saints fans. And we moved into a new neighborhood less than two years ago - still making friends and all that business. Friday night my wife tells me we got invited to a Super Bowl party - and we’re going.

So it’s basicslly a social obligation that I have to go and most likely have to watch this damn game.

Any suggestions?

Go drink a huge glass of water ?. Make sure you are within earshot of your wife. Say I’m getting sick and RUN to the bathroom. Stick your finger down your throat and well you know the rest. It has always worked for me. Especially in HS...