For A Startup, I Think The AAF Had A Successful Debut

As a sort of minor league to the NFL, it’ll never really be able to compete with the NFL.

The NFL will always have the best players since they get to draft first and they get dibs on guys that they want in the AAF.

The only way to compete with the NFL is to allow big money to lure players, put them in a nice stadium and have massive media exposure. None of that would be easy. Even if they met these requirements, it won’t be easy. The NFL is, afterall, a quasi government, media, sports collusion the likes of which has never been seen. Paying guys 70k a year isn’t going to get it. The USFL had money and they had some real talent for a while. They sued the NFL for anti trust. They won but only got $1. Then they got crushed when they tried to move to the same season as the NFL.

This new league is an NFL controlled farm league. It’s testing markets and hopefully going to hinder plans to form a true competitor backed by McMahon and others. Trying to avoid politics here but lets just say that some in politics hate the NFL and the kneeling really set them off. These people are friends with McMahon.

Anyway, I’ll watch it but have no illusions that this is something that will ever compete with the NFL. It’s the NFL’s little toy. They might allow more hitting and thus get some excitement that the NFL sanitized but just wait til the first big injury.... I kinda feel sorry for these players.
The NFL has nothing to worry about from the XFL. It failed in 2001. It’ll fail in 2020. If you look at Vince’s record, he’s failed at everything outside of wrestling. The World Bodybuilding Federation. The XFL. Nightclub and Casinos. He’s failed.
Even the messaging is the same. Just in a different direction. Using the XFL name was a bad decision. It already has the stench of failure. Overall it’s like a PG-13 remake of a bad 90s R rated movie. That’s my analysis of the new XFL.

I think the AAF will be the one to survive. It’s backed by the NFL, it’s run by football people, a year head start with positive buzz, and it doesn’t have Vince McMahon playing Mr. McMahon.