Cameron Jordan celebrates contract extension for Bucs' left tackle

Actually common sense will do you justice.

#1emoji: speechless to the tweet
#2emoji: Meh... are you sure?
#3emoji: first one up!
you have to imagine Cam's facial expressions.. it's the best

Now what follows after is basic food web/chain in the animal kingdom which you happen to be a part of..

There will be more food/supply expected for an apex predator, Cam, to consume for the next 3 years. And Cam being Cam, invites Okafor to join him in this feast for years to come.


Finally, haha. Thanks for the twitter translation. Of course it's the emoji's that needed translating. Not sure why people kept repeating the rest of the tweet that was written in standard english. English is not the problem for us old folks, but those pictures people love so much..... I never have a clue what they mean. LOL