First Captain Marvel trailer released - Dec 3 Trailer Update

Ridiculous. What needs to be improved upon? The story needs to end. This origin story needs to be told before it ends so you're not asking who this omnipotent Mary Sue was that showed up and kicked arse at a level needed to defeat a being like Thanos wielding a weapon as powerful as the Infinity Gauntlet.

The goal isn't improve if improvement is needed. Let's not confuse the MCU with low quality cinema that DC has been vomiting.

Well, a quick thought. Isn't the gauntlet all shot to hell or something after he did the snap? I mean, I'm thinking the 'snap' was supposed to be a one time thing, so I'm curious as to the state and usability of the gauntlet. are the stones intact, did they get separated again after the snap? Curiosity is killing me. :hihi: