Bob Seger, why did it take so long?

I actually don’t need to ever hear Old Time Rock-n-Roll again. It’s definitely my least favorite of his big songs - I just don’t get into it when he doesn’t that style.

I wonder what his annual publishing revenue looks like. Those songs are played hundreds of times a day.

Yeah, OTRnR is, to me, in the same vein as tunes like Brown Eyed Girl, Sweet Home and Stairway- once great songs that have been way way overexposed.. also in that category i would put Seger’s own Like a Rock due to that lame commercial that ran forever.

Seger has to be a multi-gazillionaire, since as you mentioned, his catalogue is played all the time, and he’s been around for so damned long.. and he was most active when artists made REAL money, not like today when they get pennies for every thousand times their songs are downloaded, and they have to tour incessantly to make any money at all.