Avengers 4: Endgame - Trailers, excitement, spoiler free movie reactions, discussion (Note: Warning! Now with spoilers, no tags!)

I get it. I've seen them too. I acknowledge it's probably not all rainbows and butterflies. But I don't think there's some cast-destroying bad chemistry at play from a movie she filmed, what, two years ago (because she filmed her Endgame role before Captain Marvel)? For that to be the case, for them to be hanging on to that bad will after this time, she would've had to have been a total nightmare to work with, and we'd have heard about it before now. I think there's some "new kid in class" syndrome because she got dropped in at the very end with a group that's been together for a decade. She probably doesn't fit super great with the established gang. And add that stuff to being weeks deep into a pretty thorough press cycle, getting asked the same questions in a tiny room with the same people day after day. I don't think that means anybody hates anybody. They're professionals.

I think the issue is she comes off as a bit of a buzz kill. She's that person at the party that takes too much stuff seriously or gets offended too easy so you start watching everything you say. Then you start denying people are getting together because you don't want them there being a wet blanket. We've all had that one friend or acquaintance.

Only it's a press tour, and they have to be there because the world knows it's happening and you can't pretend it's not. :LOL:

It's fine. There's nothing wrong with her, I don't think. They are just a bunch of really fun loving easy going folks and she's not a good "fit" with them socially. She seems to be a great fit professionally and I've never heard a single complaint about her on set.