All of you have been weighing heavy on my mind

Yes. If you don't die first you will go through the tribulation/great tribulation which is hell on Earth. You will be end up taking the mark of the beast or be beheaded if you refuse. If you take the mark you are doomed. You can read revelation to get the whole picture of the tribulation. At the end of the tribulation we will have the millennial rule if Christ. Remember if you have died before that - and in the tribulation over half the population is going to die - you go to hell until the end of the millinium. At the end of the millinium comes the great white throne judgement where you will be sentenced to the lake of fire for eternity.

All of this can be escaped by simply saying the sinners prayer and accepting the substitutionary death of Christ on the cross. He died in our place so that we can have salvation. It is a free gift. It costs you nothing. This is what grace meant. The favor of God. You have free will. God doesn't sentence anyone to the lake of fire. You sentence yourself by rejecting the free gift of salvation.

I can't force anyone to believe. All I can do is present the truth. I can't give the whole horror of what is to come in this environment. Anyone who truly wants to know pm me. In fact.... email me and I will give you a call. I just want to help you. This is the calling...the great commission.... of every Christian. I just want to give you the truth.

All you can do is present truth? What truth is there in anything you've said here? You're just repeating things you've heard - the wording is almost too perfect. Did you actually do an exegesis on any of this?

I'm sorry David. You need to study more to determine "truth".