All of you have been weighing heavy on my mind

David, we know you care. You've said as much many times. We even appreciate that you care.

That said, everyone has to find their own way. I'm sure if this hits home for someone, they will PM you. Wish you the best and appreciate your sincerity. I'll leave this thread up, but let's keep it here and all will be cool.

Everyone finding their own way can't be highlighted enough. I was recently at a New Testament discussion and the speaker is a pretty well known scholar. During the Q&A someone asked about his approach to witnessing to people. His answer was he is all for it. He travels extensively and when he gets on a plane the inevitable "what do you do for a living" question comes his way. When he replies he is a NT Scholar and they are interested in hearing and learning about it he engages with them. If they offer no signal they have further interest he just as easily lets it go. Sure, go forth and spread the word but being aggressive or otherwise pushy doesn't seem to align with at least how I interpret those passages.