All of you have been weighing heavy on my mind

I'd like to either discuss this via pm, or do this in a different venue. We would have to agree on some basic ground rules before taking this on. Considering I'm still looking for work and my time is limited, it will take a while for me to work through all of the considerations of each issue, including homosexuality. So, pm or a thread for specifically a serious religious theology discussion. I feel like I've gotten away from enjoying this thread for what it is. So, I'd like to discuss this in a different thread or venue.

Fair enough.
I guess I owe an apology, as this is like the third time you tell me about discussing this through other means, and I keep pulling you back in.

For the record, I am not praying for you :hihi: but I sincerely hope you get your employment situation resolved quickly. As much as I enjoy our interactions, you take care of you first.