All of you have been weighing heavy on my mind

David m. I would like to have you read Daniel about the king of the north and south along with the encyclopedia. It's like Daniel was writing the encyclopedia. This was while he was living in the Babylonian empire. That was before the medio Persian empire which was before Alexander the greats death which was when his 4 generals scrambled to take over and see that Bible prophecy is real.

David, like many here and from our region, I grew up immersed in faith and religion. I've read and studied the Bible. I attended church every week. Nothing good happened that wasn't from God's grace, and nothing bad happened that God wouldn't see us through. I've heard it all.

Nobody would be doing you any favors by showing understanding for what you're espousing. You need to clear your head and find your way again, and that's probably going to take talking to people who have been as manipulated and consumed by this as you are. Religion can have a powerful and destructive hold on people, but there is freedom if you'll seek it. Good luck.