All of you have been weighing heavy on my mind

“This is a lie”.

“You are a liar”.

Two different things. I don’t know a stranger on the internet well enough to call him a liar.

With that said, I could just as easily provide you with 3 mainstream Biblical scholars who contradict what you have provided. I’m not going to because I don’t have the desire to change your mind. Rest assured that I didn’t become the man I am by blindly following my local pastor. I’ve read enough to know the truth. I am well versed in Theology and that’s from years of study; study that included reading the Scholars I just mentioned. But I have no desire to argue with you about whether or not God exists. I’m not trying to convert you. I don’t shove my beliefs down people’s throat. But is sure sounds like you would like to convert me. Not interested.

Continue you on your way and I will continue on mine.
That's disappointing. Was genuinely interested in the debate.