Looking for a new grill Redux

You sure did. Thanks. Does yours have the hanging propane indicator thing and can you tell me how accurate it is?

Well, like I mentioned in the post, i had to get rid of it when we moved (but planning to replace with new model) , but yes it had some sort of indicator.. now that you mention it, it didnt seem too accurate so i didnt rely on it much.. very low-tech, it basically moved whenever you’d press down on the propane tank.. they may have improved that with the new model, I’m not sure.. but of course, that had no effect on the way it cooked, which was amazing.. i usually just timed it out based on how many times i’d use it; if i’d grilled twice a week, then after about 3 months, it was time to replace the tank.. the other thing i did, is i always kept an extra Blue Rhino tank on hand so if it wasn’t ever an issue.