Remembering John Lennon Thirty Years Ago!

I was watching the Monday Night Football game on the evening when he was murdered. I was 20.
I still remember the shock I felt when Howard Cosell made the announcement during the broadcast.
As the story quickly exploded all over the media, each new report of what happened just made me feel like a part of me died. Though I have never idolized Lennon (or any person for that matter), I couldn't help but think about his connection with the music I grew up with.

I never cry over the death of a celebrity.
But I almost cried when John Lennon died.

I was seven. I wasn't allowed to stay up to the end of MNF at that time. But I had a big clock radio (with the flipping "digital" numbers) next to my bed and I listened to the radio every night going to sleep (my dad showed me how to use the sleep button). I'm sure it was WRNO or WTIX or some other NOLA station at the time, but I was laying there, still awake, and they announced that Lennon had been shot. I knew it was a big deal but at seven, I obviously didn't fully understand it. But I'll never forget that moment.