All of you have been weighing heavy on my mind

Guys I don't understand your hostility at all. Is it directed at me or the Lord. There are millions of Christian's in this world. Do you really think we are all fools. Most of us are intelligent people. We have the perception needed to discern a lie. Look at this world right now. Then read Matthew 24 and see what was predicted 2000 years ago. Read the book of Daniel about the king's of the north and south along with the encyclopedia. It's like the encyclopedia was written by Daniel. The Bible says that God tells the end from the beginning. Prophecy proves the Bible true. The new world order is all in the books of Daniel and revelation. AI... the Bible says that the anti Christ will make an image that will be able to speak. I could go on and on about the times we are living in.

There will be wars and rumors of wars. Nation will rise against nation. Earthquakes in various places. Famines and pestilence. Then men will deliver up Christian's to be killed (is is).

Everything the Bible says is coming to pass. The 1st war of gog and Magog and the rapture is next. At the end of this the anti Christ will come on the scene. He will be a Muslim and he will establish a new covenant with Israel for 7 years which he will break in the middle of this period. He will kill 2 thirds of the Jews and the other 3rd will flee to Petra where they will be protected until Jesus comes back with the saints at the battle of Armageddon. Every prophecy except the end time prophecies have been fulfilled.

Time is short. Research all of this for yourselves with an open mind and you will discover the truth. God loves you. Give him a chance. He says... come and let us reason together.... please stop ridiculing me and give God a chance to prove himself to you with an open mind.

God bless you.