All of you have been weighing heavy on my mind

Look. I have attached pictures of my illness. I think it is serious but I am trying to be positive. After I posted originally people ridicule me so I dropped it. I have no insurance except the VA and I have no way to get to the coast to go to the doctor. I have missed so much work I have been evicted and am going homeless until I can get back to work next week full time and pay everything off. Then I can get a place to live. The reason im telling you all of this is because I don't know how much time I might have left. I really believe this is some form of cancer like aplastic anemia. I am trying to show you just as much as I can about the truth. Please give God a chance.
I don't get this. So you're just refusing to go to an ER even though you think you have a life-endangering condition? If you fell from a ladder and broke your arm, or accidentally sliced your leg with a chainsaw, or got bitten by a rattlesnake while hunting, wouldn't you go to an ER? They can't refuse to treat you because of your financial situation.

Please go find a competent doctor to examine you.