Homeless situation....

I get that, but last year, only 11 states gave more to the federal government than they received back, which means that 39 states are in a yearly deficit situation. And my opinion is that most of them should set up their own program to get permanent housing established for their particular population of homelessness, and then increase that deficit that single year, to hopefully decrease it in subsequent years. I'm not necessarily speaking about a federal takeover of how the states handle the issue, but the reality is that it's going to cost way more than any state could reasonably expect to afford, so federal money will have to be involved.

I think Los Angeles spends between $500-$600M annually on their homeless programs and the situation is still getting worse. I really don't think money (or lack of public spending) is the issue. I don't even think there is a deficit of generousness of spirit - at least not in how these policies are set up.

It's sort of like Orleans Parish schools - its not per pupil funding that's the problem.

I'm fine with less aid to Israel or whatever but putting another $100M on the table in LA for next year's budget is unlikely to fix the problem if its just going into whatever mix of programs they currently have in place