Homeless situation....

Sister ....but you're welcome :)

Some of the people in here preaching from their ivory towers are really incredible to me. I'm very thankful for the job I had and my own personal experiences for providing me with some clarity, real perspective and empathy because I probably sounded a lot like them and through my work, helped me understand my own brother's situation from a more logical perspective rather than a perspective clouded by my emotions.

We are all one life tragedy away from becoming addicts or homeless/housing insecure or any number of things we swore we'd never do or end up being. Life has a funny way of humbling some folks sometimes.

Yeah I do think the older people get we do get wiser.

empathy was a tough one for me to figure out in my youth. I guess the Superman complex I had sure did not help any.

Most humans are really only one true mistake or sickness from total failure. Starting my own business helped me learn that. I am thankful I did not have to burn my hand on the stove to learn that the hard way.

Yeah and I do think what would help more people would if they did not feel so isolated or alone. A simple conversation I do think does a ton of good. I talk to everyone all day I don't care if you are filthy rich or filthy with a cardboard sign.

I get up every day to learn something and you can learn from anyone.

This is an article about Rebecca twig she is the most successful american female cyclist. She is not a drug addict and homeless.

Good read.
