Time Capsule Movies

I've been wanting to watch L.A. Story again for some reason because when I saw I was just too young to get it. But it's critically acclaimed and people I trust say it's among their favorite movies. But what I do remember from it is that it was very emblematic of the early 90s. Thematically, visually, culturally, etc... I think there's even an Enya song in there.

It got me thinking about movies that just transport you back to the time they were released in terms of encapsulating a time period in culture.

John Hughes obviously hits a lot of these notes. Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller.

I think the 40 Year of Virgin accomplishes this. I'll think of the early 2000s anytime I see this forever.

What are some other ones that you would show someone to explain what X year was all about.