You Just Broke Your Child. Congratulations.

I can say that I have acted like that in my past. I’m not proud of it at all but at least i found out what was causing my behavior. For most of my life I thought depression was something that weak people suffered from. I was wrong. I had to deal with the death of a girlfriend when I was17. I had carried that hurt in my mind for years. It wasn’t until I had a conversation with a friend of mine who happens to be a psychiatrist. She asked me if I would mind coming by her office and talk to her. I did and her diagnosis hit me like a brick wall. I started taking medication for it and my life has improved dramatically. I’m happier now than at any point in my life. My kids thankfully were tough enough to not let my anger hurt them. I’ve paid for all of my kids to go in and talk with my friend. She had very positive things to say about each of them. We went in together and talked as a family and had a great talk.
thank you for sharing