Scarlett Johansson standing up for herself for the roles she has played.

It seems to me she stumbled in the sense that she wasn't anticipating the question and was still fomulating her response on the fly a bit. Can't really blame her for that.

Sometimes I need a little time to come up with a good answer to a complex question. Heck, I'll even change my position as I come up with an answer. We can't have nice, tidy answers to every question we get asked.
and i probably sounded like i was anti Scarjo at the beginning (though hopefully i've qualified that enough to make clear that my issue is not with her, it's the broader concern of representation on screen)

of course status quo will want to hunker down on the 'theory' that any actor can play any role - this is a take that almost certainly comes from people who have seen themselves represented on screen and in print for the entirety of their lives

i would ask them to consider what it would be like for a trans person in these transphobic times, to see a trans person tell their story vs scarjo or olympia dukakis or jeffrey tambor