Comic Con Talk (Renamed since LA Comic Con can't get it together)

We'll have to miss MechaCon this year. But we've been to all of them previously since 2014. My wife and kids are into anime, and they get to experience a lot that doesn't get wide run at more general comic-&-movie based cons. It's also an inexpensive con, a family of four getting in for under $60 on Sunday.

MechaCon has a great merch room. A lot of Japanese vendors selling hard-to-find (in the U.S.) anime merchandise. On top of that, a ton of local vendors show up selling general sci-fi items ... so the room is not 100% anime. Some of the Chewbacchus "krewes within a krewe" have a presence at MechaCon (e.g. Krewe Du Who for Dr. Who fans) and it's cool to see what they are up to off-season.

The Mechacon guest lineup this year is really weak. Shockingly so. I'm not sure if major voice talent was booked up previously or what but even people on their Facebook posts are like "I have no idea who any of these people are." But like you said, their vendor room is always really good.