Suggestions: What to do in Boston?

Went there a few years ago and don't remember too much thanks to all the Sam Adams. I do know I went on top the Prudential where you got a good look of the city. Went to Harvard and walked around the campus. Went to this GIANT toy store that had a huge bear outside of it and then to some kind of gardens with a statue of a man. Pretty city but the people weren't all that nice and the food sucked.

Boston has great sea food to anyone who isn't from New Orleans, ya know?

I'll be honest, when I go up there it's mostly to see family in the suburbs so I really don't know much about stuff in the city since I moved when I was 14. There's a ton of history to see like Revere's ride, Bunker Hill, etc. Harvard Sq is great, you can probably take a tour of Fenway if you like baseball. Catch a Celtics game since they're dominating.