FBI unveils large-scale college admissions bribery scandal - high-profile arrests made

Just to be clear, that's all-in cost including room/board, transportation, misc.

And sadly, this has become the new normal for most state (under)funded schools.

MTU is about the same total, but tuition is higher, and room and board is lower.

It's crazy how tuition has climbed. it is a real problem. it's not just the for profit private schools, or classic private schools. State funded (I like to say underfunded) schools have ramped it up after years of cuts or slowed growth, but needs to rebuild infrastructure and retain talent.

However, my tuition for the 1999-2000 academic year was just under $12,000 for tuition and Room and Board and fees and estimated books. I think the tuition alone was around $4000 for the whole year. Not sure I can find that data. Currently $15k in tuition alone.

20 years, 375% increase. Or, a year over year increase of about 13.75% per year on the average (simple interest approach). How is any cost growing at 13.75% a year sustainable?