FBI unveils large-scale college admissions bribery scandal - high-profile arrests made

Some do and have reigned in the public universities.

The big issue with me and Private for profit style schools, they are often glorified community colleges, charging a rate well over what they can deliver, and their requirements are low, so they trap people into something they really can't handle, for an amount they can't pay back, for a job that won't let them pay it back.

They are the pay day lender version of education. Sure, if gives the poor and unqualified access to education (capital in the case of pay day lenders), but at such a high cost, it traps them.
Its worse than that. I sued a for profit college and got to know how it worked really well. While I think its ture that non-profit colleges go overboard in what they say a college (or professional degree) can deliver they do not come close to the overbearing weight these for profits put on kids and families.

I was surprised to see that there were many recruiters earning close to $500,000 a year at this school.