Every Rush Song Ranked

I love this list. I would drop "By-Tor and the Snow Dog" a few rungs because nobody likes that song unironically.

Glad to see "In the End" get some love. I think they underranked "Fly By Night" and "Closer to the Heart."

13. "In the End," Fly by Night (1975)
The second-best song on the second (but first real) Rush album stretches close to seven minutes and is extremely ambitious. It starts quiet, gets loud, keeps a pocket groove with great flange guitar, and has more "wooooOOOOOhhhh!"s and "ooooOOOOOOohhh"s! per capita than most Rush songs. I have no clue what it's doing lyrically, but I always interpreted it as being about maintaining dignity while getting mocked, something a lot of Rush fans need to do.
